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Privaat ja apartemendid Medulin - Privaat ja apartemendid Pula
The prices depend on the number of persons and date of stay. To see the available accommodation units and the exact prices for your stay, please enter the mentioned information.
Apartement 23538
Dubrovnik 981 390773
1x APARTEMENT: 1x2+2
Apartement peremajas linnas, 1km kaugel merest. Aias istumine, ratas. Elektriküte. Majutaja räägib ka inglise keeles. Objekti juures parkimine.45 EUR / apartement/öö -
Rinčić apartments
Pakoštane 912 288443
1x APARTEMENT: 2x2, +1
Majutamine peremajas 800m rannast. Terrass ja aiagrill. Objekti juures parkimine. Pood 150m. Restoran 300m.65 EUR / apartement/öö -