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Accommodation Rokytnice nad Jizerou  Krkonoše   Pension


Total number of stays: 95        Number of reviews: 19        Average score: 8.8 (of 10)
19.08.2013 - 24.08.2013, Group, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
15.07.2013 - 19.07.2013, Individual, Poland
The accommodation was all right.
01.03.2013 - 05.03.2013, Couple, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
05.02.2013 - 08.02.2013, Couple, Germany   6
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
04.02.2013 - 09.02.2013, Group, Germany   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Es war ein wunderschöner Urlaub.
02.02.2013 - 06.02.2013, Family with children, Germany
The accommodation was all right.
29.12.2012 - 05.01.2013, Families with children, Germany
The accommodation was all right.
23.08.2012 - 01.09.2012, Couple, Hungary   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Kedves, megértő házigazda (kicsit későn érkeztünk), nagyon szép és tiszta szálláshely csodálatos környezetben!A félpanzió reggelije és vacsorája is bőséges és finom volt. Mindent köszönünk még egyszer!Középkorú pár Budapestről..
25.05.2012 - 27.05.2012, Couple, Czech Republic   5
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
03.03.2012 - 04.03.2012, Couple, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right.
24.02.2012 - 26.02.2012, Group, Poland   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: bardzo ładny ,czysty,rodzinny pensjonat całkowicie spełnił nasze oczekiwania.
24.02.2012 - 01.03.2012, Group, Germany
The accommodation was all right.
18.02.2012 - 25.02.2012, Individual, Poland
The accommodation was all right.
13.02.2012 - 17.02.2012, Group, Poland
The accommodation was all right.
12.02.2012 - 18.02.2012, Group, Poland
The accommodation was all right.
05.02.2011 - 12.02.2011, Group, Poland   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Wszystko wg opisu, ciepło, czysto, darmowy internet. Śniadania są, ale dość monotonne, jednakże każdy się naje. Gospodarz uczynny i pomocny..
21.01.2011 - 23.01.2011, Family with children, Germany   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Sehr gute Unterkunft. Auch für Sommer sehr gut geeignet. Gern wieder..
19.01.2011 - 29.01.2011, Couple, Germany   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Unterkunft ist verhältnissmäßig laut - kaum Schallschutz.
05.01.2011 - 09.01.2011, Couple, Poland   8
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Ładny pensjonat z domowa atmosfera,czysciutko i miło..
30.12.2010 - 02.01.2011, Couple, Poland   7
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
28.01.2010 - 31.01.2010, Families with children, Poland   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Wszystko zgodne z opisem w internecie ! Warunki bardzo dobre. Mili gospodarze, smaczne śniadanko ! jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ! Dziękujemy i napewno za Państwa pośrednictwem będziemy szuka też czegoś za rok ! :-).
08.08.2009 - 09.08.2009, Couple, Poland   10
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
17.01.2009 - 23.01.2009, Family with children, Poland   9
How were you satisfied with the process of the reservation of accommodation in the pension? Standardly.
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the pension? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
Fill in your impressions: Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z pobytu w tym pensjonacie. Nie mamy żadnych zastrzeżeń.
04.08.2008 - 09.08.2008, Family with children, Poland   9
Dziękuję za pomoc w zorganizowaniu nam pobytu - było bardzo dobrze, mieszkaliśmy dobrze, jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z kwatery. Mam nadzieję, że w przyszłości mogę liczyć również na Pani pomoc. Jeszcze raz serdecznie dziękuję
19.07.2008 - 02.08.2008, Family with children, Poland   8
Witam serdecznie! Dziękujemy bardzo za ofertę z Państwa strony, urlop spędziliśmy wspaniale w Czechach , w szczególności pragniemy podziękować właścicielom pensjonatu Państwu za gościnność, jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z pobytu w tym pensjonacie,będziemy bardzo mile wspominać pobyt u Państwa. Co do uwag , nie mamy żadnych. Styl prezentacji Państwa strony internetowej BT Limba jest bardzo dobry.Jest bardzo dużo informacji jak i również bardzo szybkie i wiarygodne potwierdzenia w sprawie rezerwacji pobytu. Jeżeli tylko plany następnych wakacji mielibyśmy spędzić za granicą, napewno skorzystamy z Państwa usług. Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękujemy. Pozdrawiamy
11.07.2008 - 14.07.2008, Group, Hungary   9
Nagyon szépen köszönjük az érdeklődését, mindennel megvoltunk elégedve, nagyon jól éreztük magunkat.A panzió nagyon szép volt, megfelelő az ellátás.Boli sme velmi spokojní s ubytovaním.
05.04.2008 - 06.04.2008, Group, Poland   10
pobyt udany. Objekt bardzo ladny
19.01.2008 - 21.01.2008, Group, Poland   10
bardzo dobre pokoje, dobry wlascicele.
11.01.2008 - 13.01.2008, Couple, Poland   10
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z pobytu w tym pensjonacie. Nie mamy żadnych zastrzeżeń
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