21.07.2012 - 28.07.2012, Couple, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 02.07.2012 - 04.07.2012, Couple, Slovakia | 10 |
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the hotel? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Very much.
05.10.2011 - 15.10.2011, Couple, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 24.09.2011 - 27.09.2011, Couple, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right. 05.08.2011 - 15.08.2011, Couple, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 16.07.2011 - 23.07.2011, Family with children, Czech Republic | 8 |
How were you satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the accuracy of the information about the hotel? Very much.
How were you satisfied with the approach of the accommodation owner/personnel? Standardly.
Fill in your impressions: Moc se nám tam líbilo.Bylo by dobré, kdyby informace o poskytovaných procedurách a službách hotelu byly k dipozici na recepci např.tištěné formě v českém jazyce(procedury byly prezentovány v maďarštině)..
16.08.2010 - 26.08.2010, Family with children, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 31.07.2010 - 08.08.2010, Families with children, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 14.07.2010 - 28.07.2010, Couple, Poland
The accommodation was all right. 18.10.2009 - 22.10.2009, Couple, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right. 22.07.2009 - 25.07.2009, Family with children, Slovakia
The accommodation was all right. 18.04.2009 - 24.04.2009, Family with children, Czech Republic
The accommodation was all right. 14.08.2008 - 17.08.2008, Couple, Poland | 10 |
All received feedbacks from the customers are published