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Additional information about accommodation The apartments are located in the center of Seline, 3 km from the center of Starigrad on the Riviera Paklenica.
Beautiful garden and relaxed atmosphere makes this facility a pleasant stay. Apartments are equipped for 8-10 persons.
Nearby are all the facilities that are needed.
The price includes: bed sheets, towels, parking lot, backyard barbecue
Pets - chargeable 5.00 eur per day
WI-FI -at charge 1.00 eur per day
Air condition at charge 15,00 Eur per day
Washing machine- extra charge 5.00 per wash
Information about nearby attractions, about discounts on attractions On Our Riviera Paklenica you can enjoy the beaches with the crystal clear sea.Most the pebble beaches are in combination concrete area.Sunsets are beautiful when the sky reddish colored greets the beautiful day passed and waits for a new day. There are various offers of excursions that depart from Starigrad as: boat trips, jeep safari, hiking or climbing in the Nazional Park Paklenica,Gorgeous bike tours.Only an hour drive by car you can visit (NP Plitvice, NP Koranati, NP Krka) and the evening again enjoy the evenings in Starigrad.
Проживання в будинку з апартаментами в селi Seline, 250m вiд пляжу.
апартаменти: 4x 2-мiстна кiмната, вiтальня з двома додатковими лiжками для дiтей, WI-FI, кондицiонер, кухня, ванна кiмната з душовою кабiнкою та туалетом
Мiсце для вiдпочинку в саду, садовий гриль, мангал. Надається за додаткову плату: доступ до iнтернету WI-FI, пральна машина автомат. Паркування при мiсцi проживання. Магазин 100m. Ресторан 500m. Seline - центр 100m.